Vision Android Приложения

Freemotion light detector 2.1.18
Vision Android
Computer vision application designed to assistblind or visually impaired people. It is intended that these peoplecan detect changes in light or movements that occur in theenvironment around them by a beep or vibration emitted by yourmobile device. Depending on the level of detected change the beeptone will vary and also the duration of the vibration.Description of motion detection utility:The blind shall lead the mobile camera in the direction thatinterests them control. If the motion produced is small beep andvibration will be severe cuts. As the area increases with movementwill increase the sound pitch and duration of the vibration.The device is to be kept always pointed in the same direction tobe controlled. Small vibrations do not interfere with theoperation.Instructions for use:The application is controlled by six buttons:- Enable vibrator activates motion detection alert via vibration.If the detected change is large vibration will be long and viceversa.- Stop vibrator off notice by the vibrator.- Enable Sound: warning activated by sound. If the detected changeis great tone will be high and vice versa.- Stop Sound: Turns the warning by sound.- High sensitivity: small changes detected are reported.- Low sensitivity: small changes are not reported.Description light explorer utility:The user must send the device camera towards the area you wantto detect changes in light.The application is controlled by the following switches:Vibrator: to enable or disable the vibrator.Sound: To enable or disable the beep.Voice: To enable or disable the synthesized voice ever reports thepercentage change in value.High Sensitivity Switch: If this switch is on the marginalchanges also inform.Switch quick update: If this switch is on four measurementsshall be made per second.Exposure lock switch: Activating this switch look exposure tothe moment you press and not return to self-adjust until youdeactivate.Measurement options:- Average light intensity: is the average intensity valueconsidering the entire image captured by the camera. It is the bestoption for use the application as a light detector.- Maximum light intensity: Indicates the maximum intensity detectedat some point in the image.- Central light intensity: indicates the intensity measured at thecenter of the image. For the measured intensity is accurate isadvisable to lock the exposure.At the bottom of the screen are three switches for selecting thevolume of beep.Permissions required:- Full access to network: used by Google Analytics to report usagestatistics application.- Storage: stored internal algorithms settings.Important: The images captured by the camera are not stored onthe device or sent anywhere in the cloud. The images are usedsolely for internal detection algorithm and then removed.LEGAL NOTICE:The machine vision applications are not infallible because thealgorithms used do not cover all possible situations of use. Theprogram is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Never usethis application in situations that may endanger people or propertydamage. The application developer is not responsible for theaccuracy, reliability, effectiveness, or correct use of theapplication, or any consequence of this.
Accessible compass Freemotion 1.0.5
Vision Android
Accessible compass with direction setting.The display indicates the direction in degrees: 0 indicatesmagnetic North, 90 East, 180 South and 270 West.The application is controlled using the following switches:Vibration: activates or deactivates the vibrator. A longvibration indicates that we are turning right and two shortleft.Beep: Enable or disable the beep. A high tone indicates that weare turning to the right and a serious tone to the left.Voice: Turns the synthesized voice that indicates the directionin degrees every change in value.Set direction. Activating this option the present direction asreference direction is set. The indicated direction on the screenor by the voice synthesizer be relative to the reference. As theydrift away over reference bearing vibration duration will begreater and sharper beep. An example: if you activate the vibrator,we will be on the desired course when it stops vibrating.At the bottom of the screen are three selection switches beepvolume.Permissions required:- Full access to network: Used by Google Analytics to report usagestatistics application.ATTENTION:The compass is very sensitive to interference caused by nearbymagnetic fields such as magnetic closure of smartphone or metallicelements such as iron beams or pillars, etc. Also keep in mind thatto sudden changes in direction have to wait a while untilstabilizes the direction indicated.LEGAL NOTICE:The program is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Neveruse this application in situations that may endanger people orproperty damage. The application developer is not responsible forthe accuracy, reliability, effectiveness, or correct use of theapplication, or any consequence of this.